Maddie does not drink nine coffees a day

Coffee Quest #18 Manchester Press

Down a small unassuming brick alleyway that very much reminds me of Guildford Lane, Manchester Press is a welcoming cafe with cosy soft lights inside its red brick warehouse vibe.

It's also located across the most high class looking vibrator store I've ever seen.🍆 Wooden shelves, soft led strip lighting, huge glass windows--love it. Give me more of these surprises. But I'll let you discover that for yourself. 😏


Manchester Press uses beans from ONA. I got a single shot long black using their Raspberry Candy beans. I loved the smell and it really hit the fruity berry notes immediately. At first, it feels a bit front-loaded in terms of its intensity, but it does have a nice aftertaste that slowly shines through once you let it rest for a bit. I enjoyed the texture too, didn't feel too dry or astringent, and I was very happy with the way it was extracted.

They're also known for their bagels and breakfast, but unfortunately I was too busy to actually eat anything, but I will say the service was very nice and I had a great time. I had a nice, cosy chat with friends here, and due to its location inside a small alleyway, it was a gentle reprieve from the loud screeching trams and the grumbling cars.

Kind, gentle, and quiet. Just how I like it.


#coffee #coffeequest #melbourne